sabrina hasborth

Hi All!

I just gave birth to a baby boy last 3 months on 7 December, and i had a last minute C-Sect.

January and February i came my menses at the early month, but this month March my menses is not here yet. I tempted to trt a kit but i ignore it because i was a irregular period. I had a irregular period way before i got married, hence i ignore this month period because i know i had a irregular period.

So just now around 8pm i just wanna try to take a kit to test. And yes! Theres 2 line!😭 its positive! I took 4 more strips to tried, and it still the same result!

Tomorrow my husband will accompany me to clinic to double confirm.

But my concern now is.... is it possible for me to keep this baby?😞 because what i know for C-Sect it has to be 2 or 3 years apart to have another baby. They said it will be high risk if earlier.

Is there anyone here has the same problem with me? Im 5 weeks pregnant now for my 2nd baby, while my 1st baby is 3 months plus now. Please help me!😭