7 weeks but no fetal pole :(


AJ • Expecting #2, 12/6/21 🌈 Baby Girl born 2/19/20 💕 2 MC: 10.5.18. & 3.25.19

Went in yesterday and should have been 7 weeks exactly. Only saw the yolk sac and gestational sac. They weren’t feeling too hopeful and asked me to come back next week to confirm if I am going to miscarry or not.

I was tracking my entire cycle very closely so I know by ovulation I could have been 6 weeks 6 days but that shouldn’t have changed much this drastically.

Not sure if I should keep out any hope or prepare myself for a second miscarriage in the last 5 months :(

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I went back in today, based on my LMP I should be 8 weeks exactly. As soon as they inserted the ultrasound probe and got closer, I could see a tiny little nugget! And an ever so little flicker which meant a HB. She measured me at 6 weeks and 3 days. So although I am measuring a little far behind, the doctor did come in and said that it was a really strong heartbeat (131 bpm) and she felt confident about that. They’re going to have me come back again next week for further reassurance. Right now I am trying to stay cautiously optimistic as much as possible and be happy and celebrate our little nugget with a strong heartbeat.


Boo • Apr 4, 2019
I’m so sorry AJ. May you get your rainbow baby soon


AJ • Apr 3, 2019
Unfortunately I miscarried on March 25, when I went i back for my follow up. I had to have a d and c done that afternoon.


Boo • Mar 18, 2019
So happy for you! Thanks for the update!


Posted at
Keep hope I didn’t have a fetal pole with all three of my kids til 8/9weeks stay strong and drs were all not hopeful either prayers


Danielle • Mar 20, 2019
Of course my scan is next week and I’ll either be 7or 9weeks


Boo • Mar 20, 2019
Danielle, that is very reassuring to hear that the fetal pole didn’t show up until 8-9 weeks. Thank you for your input


Danielle • Mar 12, 2019
Stressing only increases miscarriage please stay positive and hoping for a sticky baby for you


Posted at
Went in at 7 weeks based on lmp. Saw a gestational and yolk sac with only a tiny fetal pole. Trying to remain hopeful


Boo • Mar 23, 2019
Went in yesterday and they saw a fetus measuring 7.5 weeks!


AJ • Mar 19, 2019
I can attest good things do happen! Keep your spirits up. I know I had a hard time doing so but magical things do happen


Posted at
I had no fetal pole at 7 weeks 3 days and exactly a week later there was a baby with a heartbeat measuring on track. We were a little shocked. I have been super sick the whole time so it was confusing!


Boo • Apr 6, 2019
I can’t imagine what you’re going through. Please accept my heartfelt sympathies. Take care of yourself and I hope you can continue to stay positive for that rainbow baby.


AJ • Apr 5, 2019
No. None at all I wasn’t bleeding or having any cramping at the time. I felt a little bit of cramps coming on after I left the doctors office before I went back in for the d and c so I am glad they got me in right away because I wanted to have the procedure so they could send everything off for testing since this is my second miscarriage.


Boo • Apr 4, 2019
Did you have any symptoms of miscarriage? I don’t understand why a good heartbeat and then nothing the next week?


Posted at
Happened to me too. Baby and heartbeat was seen at 8 weeks. 6 weeks is just so early. Btw my dates were 100% correct too as I’m now 14 weeks and measuring according to the original dates


Katherine • Mar 14, 2019
Hopefully you just ovulated late. I was correct however on my dates and at 6W3D we didn’t see baby or a heartbeat which others see around that time. It all depends. Even a day makes a difference at this stage on what you can see. Hoping for the best for you! ☺️


AJ • Mar 14, 2019
I was supposed to be 7 weeks though not 6 weeks so I had another week that should have had some growth. But it is nice to hear other stories that is for sure! Hoping for the best on Monday it can’t come soon enough.


Posted at
Stay hopeful!


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