What would you do?

I’m sorry for the long post and my thoughts being all over the place....

Lately I feel as though I can’t talk to my husband about anything.... When we do talk it’s always the same conversations like “how was your day at work”, or “how was the drive there and back”, etc... it’s started to get really boring and I’ve communicated this multiple times in the past. How I hate that we don’t talk about anything serious or interesting... or anything for that matter especially as of late. He’ll get home from work say hello and that’s it. If I don’t start the conversation first it seems like he doesn’t care to talk... In addition I’m a stay at home mom now (almost 2 months) but I also baby sit occasionally enough to cover my bills. What is so frustrating is that when he gets home he’s constantly on his phone or playing video games or watching TV. But I literally don’t stop. Between mom, wife, dog owner mode I’m always going. It annoys me that I have to tell him to stop what he’s doing and spend time with his daughter and that he can do all of that stuff in a few hours when goes down for bed. Especially since she’s a very smart 9 month old who notices when she’s receiving absolutely zero attention. Even before I stopped work she has always been a mommas girl and my husbands excuse is always “I can’t feed her” (we BF) or “she only wants you” and I tell him constantly aside from BF her I still get on the floor and play with her toys or read her books or play with whatever she wants to play with. I understand he can’t feed her but he doesn’t take the initiative to change her diaper, feed her dinner (she eats solids), start bath time, etc... heck even put her down for a nap once a while... so I feel like everything home wise gets dumped on me even when we’re both home (if he’s off from work). I never get a break. He used to complain like if I was working late that I wouldn’t get home and immediately take her from him... he would say he needed a “break” mind you she would be at the sitters all day and he would only be alone with her for 2-3 hours until I got home and now the excuse is that he’s too tired because he’s been the one “working” all day. And it goes on...

I feel as though I’m starting to resent him, being a SAHM, and not bringing in a lot of money. It even starting to affect our marriage/sexual relationship. There’s hardly any intimacy. I have to be the one to initiate sex. Half the time he says “he’s too tired” but he’s never “too” tired to watch porn and get off that way (I’ve made it clear that him watching it bothers me). I don’t feel appreciated. All I ask is for a thank you for doing things like the laundry, or cooking/cleaning. I know it’s stuff I should do especially since I’m home more than he is but is it so hard to say thank you or to do something every now and then to give me a break???

I’ve tried communicating, and not showing how frustrated I am, and tried walking into another room until I’ve calmed down or thought it out. But it’s to the point where I don’t know what else to do. I’m so frustrated!