Easiest thing EVER!!


So I had been having contractions on and off since Monday (I had my daughter on a Friday) I would dismiss these contractions as Braxton Hicks because they weren’t painful like everyone makes them out to be. The contractions would come and then stop out of no where which made me believe there’s nothing to be worried about. Fast forward to Thursday night at 11pm i decided I was going to go to bed no contractions during this time. I wake up at 2am and I felt this push and a HUGE gust of liquid coming out of my vagina. I wake my husband up and his oblivious to what’s going on until I talked to him sternly saying I need you to look because I think my water just broke. I never seen this man get up so fast in his life lol. He said omg let’s go to the hospital. I still don’t have any pains!! We are gathering all our stuff and he’s panicking a little because he thinks I’m in pain lol I had to reassure him I was feeling ZERO pain. On our way to the hospital I began to have the same old contraction pains I had been having since monday. We end up at the hospital at 3am and they check my cervix and turns out I’m 5cm dilated!!!! These pains the whole time were bearable. I would say the whole time my pains didn’t exceed a 5 on the pain scale. At 5:14am I had my daughter!!! No epidural no anything. Even if I wanted one there wasn’t enough time I had her within 2 hours being there. The worst part was the iv I was poked 5 times. The rest was easy.