Ovulation spotting, before, during, or after?

I didn’t chart this whole cycle. But have ov pinpointed to 2 days bc of opks.

I usually ov 2 days after first pos opk.

Bc we didn’t bd until a day after positive, I’m praying that I ov 2 days after like always.

I took letrozole this cycle. Would it affect ov time after surge at all?

I also had spotting, the day after I hoped to have ovulated. 2 days after what Glow says (but in cycles i charted, Glow was NEVER right, 💯 of the time 😆)

Do you know when yours happened? And how did you confirm Ov? (I happen to be a big belieber in bbt charting since I know opks only get me close..& I always was 2 days off on my ov day before I started charting)