Dreams about blood loss and pregnancy?

Hey guys, so tonight I’ve just woke up from a god damn awful nightmare!

TRIGGER WARNING, accounts of my dream!!

It’s started that I found out I was pregnant and all excited and I was 20ish weeks and i was a little upset that it was a boy? But anyway I even went as far as dreaming the ultrasound where they told me it was a boy, I was picking names etc went to the toilet where my partner works and I was just pouring with blood?

I called my partner to come and help me whilst I was crying and he tried to palm it off so I got even more upset and walked to the shop next door to get pads until I could go hospital and started asking other women if it was normal in hope that my baby would survive.

Literally I remember the dream so clearly and it felt so real that I’m petrified and feel so upset as if I did lose a baby?☹️

Has anyone else had dreams like this before? I very rarely dream but this seems to be the 2nd one tonight alone! and I’m not pregnant (another few days till period) I mean I’ve had a miscarriage 4 years ago when I was 14 but I never had dreams like this then

How can I stop feeling so upset and stop getting dreams like this?