Growing Up

Why is it that people always says you can't have a job you love? I am a college senior and I'm about to graduate and go into the work force. I want to pursue a job I love, something that makes me happy. I realize that no job is perfect and that I won't always be happy , but I want a career that supports me financially and makes me happy. My parents, grandparents, and even boyfriend say that I should do something just because it's a job and that money is money. I understand that you can't always be picky and that some people don't get that chance. I know that I have been blessed to go to college and I am beyond grateful, and with that degree I want a career that is fulfilling. I know I'm ranting and I'm having a hard time putting my feelings into words, but has anyone else been though this or is going through this? What did you do?

I feel so lost right now and I'm sure that's common seeing as how school is pretty much all I've known. The world of big girl jobs is scary and I don't know how to navigate it. It seems like all the advise I'm getting is to settle but that's not what I want in life.