Any guys on here with anemia?

vdm • HIE & NICU mama. Nail technician. Interracial family.

I believe my boyfriend may have anemia but he isn’t one to see a doctor 🤦🏻‍♀️ he’s almost 21 and hasn’t seen a doctor since he was 16... with that being said he can’t stay awake for shit... seriously he can sleep for 14+ hours and still wake up tired and almost useless most days.

He always has dark circles under his eyes and seems to have almost no energy... he’s also a fairly fit guy but only eats junk and high fatty foods and very low veggies, or beans tbh I can’t even think of one food he eats consistently with like any nutritional value 🤷🏻‍♀️

Any guys have anemia and want to share their symptoms / diagnosis? He’s a full time college student (engineering) working about 15-18hrs a week and our daughter is due March 26th and I’m REALLY concerned about his health. All of these issues started around this time last year and it’s honestly just gotten worse. He’s obviously suffering from extreme allergies as well, can never breathe out of his nose, constantly spitting and coughing up mucus, and watery eyes. He lives off Claritin but it’s almost useless, he’s tried Flonase as well but that doesn’t help much either 😭 once again why I wish he would just see a doctor...

I’ve been monitoring my blood pressure throughout my pregnancy and my glucose (type 1 diabetic) we have checked his bp multiple times and he’s on the lower side low 100s over 60s and 90s over 50s his blood sugar is always around 70-80 2-3 hours after meals so I doubt he’s hypoglycemic. But his bp is normal but on the lower spectrum so I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it 🤷🏻‍♀️