Successful VBACS?


Hello, just wondering if any of you had a successful VBAC with your second? And maybe. Little about your story.

I am 32+4 and had my appointment today. The doctor I saw(at the practice I go to I see a different doctor every time) said some pretty interesting things to me that i need to think about. First he told me not to completely rule out an induction, the percentage of a uterine rupture isn’t a lot great with an induction vs. spontaneous labor. I was thinking it had to be spontaneous or c-section. Also, he recommended an epidural. I didn’t plan to have one with my first and actually didn’t get one until after 36 hours of back labor and a pulled muscle that made me want to vomit every time I contracted. My first came by cesarean 56 hours after induced labor from too much fluid around baby. She was in distress and heart rate was dropping. He recommends an epidural in case they need to preform an emergency c-section so that I can remain awake for his/her birth.

I wanted to have a natural birth but he has me really reconsidering. Thoughts?