What's going on?? 😩

So I'm a ftm of a 3 month old. She is pretty demanding all day and night. It's like she is extremely fussy and seems to throw fits when she gets tired. It's like I can barely soothe her sometimes. She's not sick or anything just fussy. And my husband has been real edgy for the past 2 or so months. I try to take care of him and her and do everything for them. I'm just starting to get burnt out with all of this. I want to go back to work soon to help with the finances, and gotten jobs offers. I'm trying to teach the baby to sleep on her own before I go back. Idk I just feel like my husband gets super irritated easily even when I don't bother him.

So idk what's setting my husband off. Smh...I just feel overwhelmed and often defeated. It's like what in the world is going on with me?