Chemical pregnancy?

Krista • Mama to a special snowflake, two frenchies & ttc#2 💗✨❄️👨‍👩‍👧🏩

Hi ladies. I got a BFP last week but had some spotting and pain Tuesday so I got an HcG done. It was only 9. My OB thinks it’s a chemical pregnancy. I started really spotting yesterday (TMI alert sorry) with brown blood and towards the end of the night bright red. I swore my period was starting overnight but still this morning it’s brown.

She has another HcG level ordered for me today but I told her I didn’t think I’d go since I was so sure AF was coming. What’s been your experience with chemicals, this is my first. Should I get the blood done, or just wait it out. All weekend my pregnancy tests got lighter and lighter and my symptoms have lessened. TIA