Baby Girl wouldn’t cooperate.


My first we never had problems with seeing what we needed to see with ultrasounds. Now this little girl gets all comfortable cuddled up to my placenta she would budge. So back to finish anatomy scan in 3 weeks. But she was doing the cutest things when waiting to see if we could get her to move. She was smacking her lips together sticking her tongue out and shoved her fingers in her mouth. We have high risk and my regular doctor butting heads on safe delivery, regular OB says it’s safer to do a repeat C-section being he doesn’t know how my uterus scar will handle contractions and if my pelvis is big enough for a baby to pass through. High risk doctor says vbac is safest route of delivery, uterus ruptures are a slim chance not that big of risk to worry about, and a planned C-section wouldn’t be ideal for me because I already have had 3 major abdominal surgeries and a pending 4th one after this baby is born to remove more small intestines due to Crohn’s disease scar tissue. I see both sides of doctors opinions, personal I rather have a vbac if it’s safe. They both know my outlook on this so I’ll let them fight this out between them selfs.