Rough patch or the beginning of the end?

My husband and I have only been married a year and a half. We got married quickly when we found out we were pregnant. So our marriage went from “hey we’re married!” To “we are first time parents” in only a few months. The past year has been rough. I know the first year of marriage is always hard and that being new parents is difficult as well. But we barely talk. We never spend time together. He comes home and plays xbox until it’s time for bed. Gets up for work and repeats. I take care of our child all day everyday. All by myself. The last time we had sex was January and my birth control failed so we’re now pregnant again. It’s been three months almost exactly and I’ve tried but he turns me down. He rather just touch himself at night or in the morning or rub against my butt when I’m trying to sleep. But doesn’t want actual intimacy. I’ve tried to talk to him but he doesn’t even talk to me when I’m begging him to. He will say I love you and tell me when he’s on his way home from work so I can make dinner. But literally that’s it. Only through text. He gives me a half hug when he walks in then throws his work pants on the couch and sits to play.

I don’t know how to get him to talk or even look at me. I know he has a demanding job and I know he’s tired but what about me or our child? He maybe sits with her for an hour between the weekend. But only if she’s in her bouncer or playing by herself.

I feel so alone. I feel like a single mom.