Help Keeping Busy


Okay so long story short my BF of 2 years blindsided me last week and said he was tired of the way things were, that he needed a break, that he loved me endlessly as a person but just couldn't feel the love romantically for me anymore. He said we'll work on it but he needs pace Everything he said to me was entirely valid and not meant to hurt me so I can't be mad at him. Fast forward 2 days later (I spend the whole weekend crying as if we broke up) he said "hey I'm leaving work early the whole fam is going to my grandmas you can come if you want" and I was really excited. We ended up making up and everything and now he says he loves me and everything. I think he was overwhelmed at the time because he's not great with emotions and he will tell you that too. (he's not cheating, I know for a fact he would break up with me before if it came to that)

So I can tell he's not being as lovey towards me as he used to be but it's still much better than it was. It's because he needs space and I get that we used to be together all the time.

Part of what we talked about was me needing to find an outlet and getting help because I suffer from depression and anxiety and I would only talk to him about it. I realize now he probably felt suffocated.

I don't know how to keep busy especially because I want attention from him now more than ever but I have to keep a distance to let him sort things out. I work while he's at school and he's at work while I'm home. I want to make this work and I know it will because I feel it in my heart that he is the one. But I don't wanna inadvertently ruin it by needing his love and attention. Any suggestions would help or just love and support. I feel completely lost but I'm also feeling ready to get the help I need and have our relationship go back to the way it was.

Sorry if that was all over the place lol. Just ask questions and I'll answer for clarity.