Trying to enjoy my blessing....

Melissa • Mom to 16 yo girl and 14 yo boy and 🌈 baby boy born 11/4/19; 6 miscarriages between 12/2016 and 1/2019

I’m 6w1d today, according to this app. This will be my 6th pregnancy in 2 years. I’ve had 4 BO (the last one was twins) and 2 chemicals. I found out two weeks ago that I am pregnant again, and am conflicted with sooo many emotions. With all the past pregnancies, I’ve had early beta testing, early ultrasounds and it becomes a 2-3 week roller coaster ride trying to determine the viability of each pregnancy only to end with gut-wrenching heart break... this time I’ve decided to not tell anyone I’m pregnant (I usually tell everyone right away cause I know I’ll need the support). I’ve decided to wait until 8 weeks for a doctors appointment. I know nothing I do or feel will change the outcome so I’ve decided to enjoy these weeks until then.... needless to say it’s not easy and I’m still anxious not knowing what going on... I keep testing to see if lines are getting darker. Yesterday I was so nauseous, it felt like the flu. Everything makes me bawl my eyes out. I try to look at every symptom as a blessing. Everyday I’m worried if the symptoms are enough, if the lines are darker... no matter what I do or feel, I’m still on this roller coaster...

can anyone relate? Does anyone have similar experience with positive outcomes? Any advice or suggestions would be welcomed : ) thanks for reading my vent!!