Need to vent.

I have HG. This pregnancy was not planned, I was on BC and took antibiotics and that’s how it happened. For the past few weeks I have had a very hard time, can’t really get out of bed, feel sick 24/7. I’ve lost 17 pounds and I’m only 10w5d. My husband has been picking up the slack, helping take care of the kids more and helping with laundry/dishes. But today he exploded and is really mad at me and saying he’s tired of doing everything, which is really annoying considering before I got sick I was the one doing everything and he didn’t have to lift a finger. He took the day off work to take our dog to the vet, didn’t even end up taking him, and went to get an oil change for our car. He’s been back 30 minutes and has already made me feel like shit. I think he’s just stressed but it’s not fair he’s taking it out on me, I can’t help how sick I am. Whenever he’s sick, I never make him feel bad. He had to tonsillitis around Christmas and he stayed in bed all day for 3 days and not once did I get mad at him or anything, and he did nothing. I at least do most of the things and he just finishes them (I’ll start laundry, he’ll switch it over, I fold and put away). Idk it’s really making me feel awful and I already feel awful. I wish he could just feel how sick I feel so he understands. 😔