The struggle was real.

Kayli • 💜1-21-19💜

This isn’t period or relationship related but I needed to vent a little. For the past 6 months I’ve been struggling like hell. I got kicked out of my parents house unexpectedly leaving me homeless going from couch to couch. I had to give the car I had back to the bank to even get a place. I ended up staying with my ex boyfriend(which I couldn’t be more grateful for him allowing me to). I stayed there for 2 months while I waited for my best friend to close on her house and her apartment to become available. I ended on my birthday getting the keys to the place after struggling to even get the deposit and rent due. Since then I’ve pretty much had to sell everything just to make it. Finally though it seems in the last month I’ve become a little more financially stable and I’ve been able to get my bedroom redecorated since this apartment hasn’t felt like a home since I moved in. Still working on getting a bed but I’m just glad it’s starting to feel more like a place I want to be. I’ve been living on my own and paying the bills all by myself for the almost 4 months now. Here’s a picture of my bedroom below. This is just a proud moment post. Still gonna struggle I know because that’s life but I did just get a better paying job today and I’m hoping to get a car soon.