How do I get him to stop bitching?

My boyfriend can never just step up to the plate and help me with out son. He is almost 5 months old and such a sweet baby. So my boyfriend works all week and provides and I’m very thankful for him and I stay home taking care of our son. Keep in mind he doesn’t want me to work, I’ve offered many many times. He would rather have me at home with our son. On the weekends all I ask of him is to please help me out with our son without bitching about it. IT NEVER HAPPENS. I sleep next to our son all week (he sleeps in a bassinet next to our bed) and during the weekend me and my boyfriend switch off every other night as to who sleeps next to him. (Friday- him, Saturday-me, Sunday-him) that’s literally all I can get out of him. Otherwise during the day if our son even cries it’s “you do it” “change his diaper” “feed him” “do the dishes” “clean the room”. I’m going crazy. We have the same conversation every week and he says he will stop complaint about helping me with him. But every weekend he continues. If I ask him to do something he scoffs and calls me worthless. I’m to my wits end. I love him but I’m not having another child if this is the help I get. I understand he works during the week but I’m constantly taking care of our son. I don’t get a damn break. (I’m not saying I can’t do it either, I love my son so much but it would be nice to have his father help out once in awhile. I feel like I’m going crazy.)