Good evening just sharing my story


Hello all! Ive been blessed when it comes to conceiving. Between 2006 and 2009 I had 4 children and had never experienced a loss. On September 25, 2009 my tubes were cut tied and burned for personal reasons. Something I've come to regret due to post tubal ligation syndrome and now being in a healthy relationship. Anyways fast forward to December 18, 2018 and good old aunt Flo never made an appearance and lord knows she has been like clock work for 9 years. For laughs I took a home pregnancy test and to mine and my husbands shock it was positive. Off to the hospital we went because this couldnt be happening. Urine and blood test confirms pregnancy but had a fairly low hcg so thought it may be super early. For about a week I was back at the hospital for blood work and ultrasounds. On December 26 my hcg had dropped after steadily rising and same day they found the embryo in my tubes and I was diagnosed with a tubal ectopic. While we arent sure if my tubes naturally healed or what happened. My dr has cleared me to start trying again but warned me it could have been a fluke or I could suffer another ectopic.