Am I stupid jealous?

I feel like I’m being over emotional, because it is almost that time of the month, but a girls gut feeling is telling her something isn’t right.

Back story: my boyfriend and I have been together a little over a year now, however his ex broke up with him shortly before we got together. Like months before we got together. They were together for 6 years...

So anyway after they broke up she moved in with her bestfriend, and her best friends boyfriend (which is my boyfriends old friends from when they were dating)

To my knowledge his ex still lives with them.

And my boyfriend didn’t tell me, until a couple days ago when we went out with his mom for her birthday that he was planning on going and seeing him this Friday.

I’m upset because he never told me his plans, and if she hadn’t asked him what he was doing this weekend he would have probably not told me until like 20 minutes before he’d be leaving. (We live together)

I asked him about it in the car on the ride home and why he didn’t tell me, he didn’t give me an answer and he said he might go to his house or they might go out.. (which this guy lives like 2 hours away)

I’m hurt that he didn’t invite me, but I’m also hurt that he didn’t tell me. Because a big part of me feels like he still loves his ex and that he wants to either try to see her or talk to his guy friend about her.. Am I crazy jealous or??