I cannot take this abuse any longer

Hi Ladies ❤

I haven't been on <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> in a very long time but at this point in my life I remembered the love and you ladies are capable of giving and I've never needed either as much as I do now. I'm not going to go into the nitty gritty details as to be honest there are just far too many. But basically I travelled halfway across the world to spend a couple of months with my best friend and stay with her family. First it started with small things that stuck in my mind and screamed "Something is not right here..." but I pushed those thoughts away. Basically it started with emotional abuse from her father to the point that my stomach dropped when I would here him get home. Then the mother started to join in and by that point my depression that I worked so hard to overpower started to take over. I began to sleep all day and not talk to anyone and now tonight the person I used to call my best friend joined in the abuse too. So I decided with only 3 nights left of my trip that I'm moving out tomorrow morning. I cannot take it any longer, the final straw was when they unplugged the wifi (thinking I was dumb enough not to figure it out and the wifi is also my only connection to the outside world as my phone is only programmed for my home country.) And then after unplugging the wifi whilst I was sleeping the left. They are super controlling and at that point i lost my mind, phoned my parents who were sleeping, as it was 2am in my home country at the time, sobbing with tears and after that I couldn't hold back and sent scathing messages to my friend. They messed me up so bad over the months that I've forgotten who I once was, the depression has never had such a strong hold on me before and I just hope that next week when I'm home I'll start the journey of regaining the optimistic young woman I was before....