Screen time


Alright those of you with older kids, how much screen time do you give them? I go back and forth on this all the time. I have a 8 year old boy and right now he gets 1 hour of screen time a day, weekends 2-3. I was thinking about letting him have a little more than a hour but he has to earn it, I was gonna make popsicle sticks with chores on them and the minutes of screen time they are worth. Example: if he picks vacuum he can earn 10 more minutes of screen time...but I was gonna put a limit on it, like he can’t go over a certain amount of time (like 30-45 minutes) my question, how much extra screen time should I allow him to earn...30 min, 45, min...a hour...? I just don’t know how much is enough for his age. How much screen time do you allow your kids to have?