Brother living with us.. help

I’m 20 and my husband is 22. We have 2 young kids. My brother, 24, is living with us.

He’s been on and off drugs his whole life, never been stable. Now that he’s off drugs, we figured we would try to help him out. He moved in and our rules were pretty fair.

• keep a job

• pay rent (only $100 a week)

• help around the house

• no drugs at all.

He’s lived here for 3 weeks. His first day here my husband got him a job, it was his first job making over minimum wage and he would be getting $500 a week. His first paycheck, he gave us the 100 rent and literally spent the entire rest of his check on alcohol and weed (he doesn’t smoke here)

His second week (last week) he didn’t work because of the weather so we let him off on the rent this week (today)

He will be getting another paycheck next Friday but it will be his last. He went to work today and quit (like EVERY other job) he said it was because they treat him like shit.

I told him that sometimes that happens but he needed that job. He doesn’t help clean around here, he just jokes around with my husbands ALL DAY every day.

Today my husband keeps telling me that he’s on his side and we shouldn’t kick him out until 2 weeks from now to see if he got a new job and can fart paying again. And that if he was treated like shit he would quit too. I honestly believe that he quit because he stayed up until 3 am drinking and just didn’t want to go.

My husband just keeps telling me why he should stay and it’s not fair.

It’s really upsetting me because he doesn’t understand anything. Like he doesn’t help clean, he quit a job he needs and he likely won’t beable to find a new one due to his record and lack of rides and buses. He spends all his money instead of saving it or buying things he needs like clothes, toiletries, etc.

My husband is laid off right now and we are struggling BAD so it’s extremely hard to support another person. Yet he doesn’t get it and no amount of talking will help. He just keeps getting mad and saying “fine I’ll just tell him to leave!” And storms off like a little kid.

What would you ladies do? I feel like I’m at my last straw.