Insurance & 32 weeks U/S

My OB scheduled my last ultrasound for April 2 and he said “if they approve it we’ll do an ultrasound, if not it’ll be a regular appointment” UHM NO????

I realize I’m hormonal and I know insurance has to approve it but DAMNIT I WANNA SEE MY BABY. My last ultrasound at 20 weeks the lady done horrible, and she rushed through in like 5 minutes because I was her last person before lunch. I didn’t even get to see my baby’s face. I don’t even know what he looks like. 😢 i feel like the 32 week ultrasound which I will be 34 weeks at anyway I feel like it’s necessary. How will they know how much he weighs, if he’s behind or ahead, if I have enough fluid for him??? I cannot go through the rest of this pregnancy without seeing him.

I have Anthem blue cross blue shield, I was just wondering if anyone else has this insurance? Were you approved or denied?