Liletta Questions


Hey ladies, so I’ve been on Liletta for almost a month now and I’ve been feeling random cramping here and there randomly. I was wondering if anyone else had the same issues. Also how often do y’all have your period when being on the iud specifically in the beginning because I used to be on the pill but it affected me emotionally a lot which is why I stopped. Thank you!

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Posted at
Random cramping and bleeding is all part of having an iud. You should really read the information guide on the website so you can be properly informed. Cause if you didn’t know that cramps and irregular bleeding are normal, common side effects, then i don’t imagine you know too much else.


Aya • Mar 15, 2019
Understandable. But birth control affects everyone differently, so as long as you’re feeling okay I wouldn’t worry about anyone else’s experience too much.


Dorian • Mar 15, 2019
Yeah I totally get that, I mainly ask because I have a couple gal friends who have had totally different experiences with it ya know?


Posted at
It’s normal. I had my second one put in s month ago. I generally don’t have a period at all with the iud outside of the transition bleeding


Posted at
I got mine in January and I’m still having cramps and my bleeding went away for a short and came back w bad cramps


Posted at
This is my first month with this iud and I have been cramping here and there...and I've been spotting for the last 4 days...I thought I started early but it was a false alarm...but according to the doctor...its going to be like that for a few months this until my body adjusts to the hormones...hopefully my periods get light for me...I'm already heavy when I bleed...just keep liners handy...hope this helps


Posted at
It’s very normal and common for irregular periods and cramping!😊 I’ve had my Kyleena for about a month and a half. I’ve had cramps on and off with no period. I’ve also had spotting and then full bleeding and spotting again. It should take about 6 months for your body to adjust to the hormones and then everything should subside! Welcome to the club!😋