Husbands lack of sex drive


Anyone’s spouse/other half not have much of a sex drive? How in the world do you deal with it? It’s been an on going battle for years, and I’m not even asking to have sex often. I mean, once a month would be good.

I know he has low testosterone but I cant help but make it personal. “Am I bad in bed? Is he not attracted to me? And the worst, is he getting it somewhere else?” I know that’s just my crazy brain talking but it gets soo upsetting and affects my self esteem. I’ve felt so defeated in this category over the years that I’ve completely stopped asking and get awkward now if it does happen, mostly cause it seems forced or not sincere. I just want him to want it and try to be the affectionate one.

I feel like I need to somehow learn to be okay with it and go back to being the aggressive one, but I can’t handle rejection. 😞

Any advice?