Need hubbys support


I’m 30 weeks pregnant, and feeling extremely tired. I work full time at a job where I’m on my feet non-stop and slowing down isn’t tolerated. By the time I get home my feet are burning, my back is hurting and I can barely walk. Hubby works full time too and I understand he’s tired but I need his help. I ask him to do the dishes and he’ll wash like 3 and leave the rest, I’ll ask him to clean the litter box, anything etc... he either does a half-ass job or doesn’t do it at all and leaves it to me to be done. The other day he kept asking me to get up and get him something or do something for him and finally I said. Seriously?! Have you forgotten I’m pregnant? And he goes yeah, sometimes. Like really? I am having a hard time with life right now and you’re forgetting?? It’s hard since he used to be really sweet and caring and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world and now sometimes I’m wondering if he even cares how I feel. It’s suck a drastic change in his character and I just don’t know what to do. Btw, I’ve tried talking to him about it and he just mopes and beats himself up and nothing changes. I’m at my wits end