Still check in on my ‘ex’

I have been with my boyfriend for almost two years, and it’s absolute bliss. I know he’s the man I want to marry and spend my life with, and I love him so much!

But every so often, I have a look on my ‘ex’ (someone I was almost in a relationship with) Facebook and see what he looks like, if anything has changed.

He was a polar opposite to who my boyfriend is now, he was dangerous and I found it thrilling at the time. I understand now it wouldn’t have worked out for reasons I won’t go into, but sometimes I catch myself wondering what would’ve happened if I’d have let it carry on. I do not regret being with my boyfriend now and I don’t want to get in touch with my ex, but I just wonder if it would be as exciting as I felt it was when I was younger or if I just feel that way because it’s a memory. I know that at the time I was extremely unhappy and anxious with self-destructing behaviours, but I guess my brain just glosses over that and looks for the best light to shine on the situation.

I feel guilty for having a look at his social media still - is this bad?