Question for women with Rh- blood


Yesterday at my 12 week & 1 day ultrasound, we were told that my baby was measuring at 7 weeks, & that there was no heartbeat.. we are heartbroken. I saw my doctor & she’s given me a few days to think about what I wanna do.

My question is; I have Rh negative blood..& since I am having a miscarriage, & slightly spotting, will I be given the RhoGam shot? Or is it already too late to be given it?

My doctor told me that it wouldn’t be necessary at this point because it has already been so long, & that the baby barely had any blood flowing at that stage of development.

I’m scared of it causing complications to future pregnancies if I don’t get it done.

I’ll talk to her more about it on Monday, but I’d just like to hear others experiences?