22 Hours of labor ALL NATURAL


So yesterday morning around 3am I started feeling contractions didn't go to the hospital because I already had an appointment for 2:15pm at my appointment Dr told me i was 4-5cm and then swept my membranes. Got home around 3 and contractions were closer together! Went to the hospital at 6pm and they said I was for sure 5cm and admitted me. Seemed like I was stuck at 5cm FOREVER because labor wasn't progressing. They wanted me to start pitocin I declined and said if she breaks my water and labor still doesn't progress we could start the pitocin. Well she broke my water at 11 ish and labor got pretty rapid and intense! I went from 5 to 7cm within 30 minutes. Well my due date was March 25 but baby boy decided he wanted to come March 15th at 1 am on the dot. He weighed in at 6lbs 12oz measuring 19.5 inches long . Surprised I lasted being that I had preterm labor and was getting makena injections every week . He was so worth EVERY PAIN AND ACHE

A'mari Josiah Thomas 💙🙏🙌