Baby measuring in 7th percentile


We found this out about a month ago when I was 22 weeks along. We had the NIPT done at 14 weeks and everything came back looking normal, but when my dr saw this she said it could be Down syndrome. I know the NIPT is only 99% accurate but she was being really negative about it all. (Also my baby was measuring completely proportional, just smaller than she should be and from what I understand usually the head will be larger for downs). They also tested me for a placenta infection and that came back negative as well. I’m just not understanding what could be causing all of this and I’m tired of lying awake all night having no idea if everything is okay. Has anyone had a similar experience? It honestly seems like every time I go to the doctor they have some “bad news” for me that turns out to be nothing and I’m getting really tired of the stress and depression that goes along with that.