TWW to BFP Symptoms: ⚠️ TMI


I’m still in shock, because I didn’t think this was possible. I’ve dealt with PCOS ever since I started menses, and all TTC efforts in previous partnerships failed. I only just started having semi-regular cycles last year (30-46 days, instead of going 3-14 months without bleeding). I credit this to weight loss: 90 lbs over 2 years. I also have been using progesterone cream as well as cinnamon supplements to get things on track.

The boyfriend and I DEFINITELY want kids together, but weren’t going to start working towards it for another year or so.

I’ve been cycle tracking diligently to monitor pcos symptoms for the past couple years, so I thought I’d share my TWW logs in hopes it will help someone else.

To be fair, most of the telltale symptoms were so close to PMS that They aren’t fully reliable indicators.

O-Day: unprotected BD, reverse cowgirl. I thought we were in the clear, because I usually get ov symptoms like EWCM CD 18-22, and this was CD 24 with sticky CM.

1-3 DPO: nothing out of the ordinary. CM turned creamy, as per usual around this phase in my cycle.

4 DPO: woke up in the middle of the night vomiting *violently*... it kept me up all night. I had just gotten over the flu the previous week, and thought it was weird to be puking again. I worried it was something with my kidneys, and made a dr appt for a kidney function test. (I’ve had issues with them before, thanks to the metformin I was on for pcos before switching to cinnamon.)

5-6 DPO: Super fatigued. Took 3-4 hour long naps just to feel like a person. I chalked it up to recovering from the pukestorm.

7-8 DPO: creamy white CM seemed a little heavier than usual, but it wasn’t heavy enough to make me question.

9 DPO: My tit game is ON POINT. Spilling out of my bra... veins slightly more prominent. Starting to break out in acne on my chin and pubic region. Again... all pretty standard for my PMS.

10 DPO: my nipples were SCREAMING in the AM. It felt like I was out in sub zero temps with no jacket or bra. Almost like a burning sensation... they ached like they were in clamps!!! It subsided pretty quickly, but it was intense enough to get my attention.

Had my dr appointment & got blood drawn to check my kidneys.

11 DPO: I SHIT MY PANTS! 😱Thought it was a little fart... didn’t feel like I had to poo at all. Nope. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Had to clean up and change my pants all sneaky-like at work. Still tired AF. Had the runs for the rest of the day.

12 DPO: Woke up in the middle of the night with a nagging feeling like I should test just to rule it out. Remembered I had a dollar tree hpt stashed away. It came back with the faintest of faint squinter for a second line. Panicked and woke up the boyfriend. He couldn’t see the second line. We both worried I was imagining things. I cried.

My sister said she saw the second line too, and advised me to test again in 16 hours. I decided to wait 24, just in case.

Still super tired. Minor fluttering & twinges in the pelvic region, just beneath my belly roll... actually LESS obvious than My normal PMS cramps. Almost felt like gas, but without the full feeling.

Acne on my chin is getting worse. New spots keep sprouting up, and I’m getting pretty self conscious about it.

Bought a 3pack of FRER tests and called upon the gods of willpower to not pee on one yet.

Kidney function labs came back, and everything was golden.

13 DPO (today): Had to pee at 4am. It’s showtime... The Second line showed up... faint, but definitely there. More crying.

I’m not counting my chickens before they hatch here...Will definitely be monitoring line progression before making an appointment.

I’m uncomfortably aware that my odds of this lil bean sticking aren’t exactly the best. I’ve wanted this for so long, and truly believed it was impossible.

I’m simultaneously elated & terrified of getting my hopes up.

Please send all the prayers and/or positive vibes this way. I wasn’t wanting this to happen right NOW, but I’ve wanted to be a mom for so long, and worry I might miss my window for healthy eggs considering I’m 33 and only just started ovulating.

This is a freaking miracle and I’m sort of freaking out.