my baby is here !!!!

meadow • first time mommy coming in march

march 14 2019 at 8:36 pm

luna rose montemayor entered the world !

but here’s the story ...

I went in for induction march 13 at 8pm @ 2cm dilated and 50% effaced , at midnight they gave me cirvadil and at 4 am she checked me I was still a 2 but 75% effaced and my contractions had started so she didn’t give me another dose of cirvadil we waited and I progressed a bit more , I was given pitocin and water was broke around 9 , I was in and out so everything is foggy I kept falling asleep because that’s what I do when i’m in pain, eventually pitocin had my contractions getting really bad and I got the IV Meds which were just a head change and made me feel high, which worked untill about 2 hours later and the contraction had gotten stronger and harder which at that point I was hirtknf and asked to get out of bed and walk , she gave me a ball to bounce on which didn’t help and I broke and got epidural at only 5 cm ! I was so scared I would feel delivery but I was in so much pain that I needed it got the epidural and just slept in and out of the checks and what not and eventually she checked me and baby was turning over so at 8 cm I had to get on my hands and knees and sit there , at 9cm she turned back over and I layed there and the nurse told me once I started to feel heavy pressure in my vagina or butt to call her back in , I fell asleep and when I woke up BOY WAS THERE PRESSURE , I called for her and she checked me and said I was ready to push , I pushed for 30 minutes and my 9POUNDS 22INCH LONG BABH CAME OUT !! I was so tiny nobody was expecting this ! pushing was the most painless part with my epidural still working! no stitches no tears and home now with my chunk 💗💗

also here is how tiny I was and a pic of my 2 days PP BELLY!