

I am a husband/father and struggle to see the need for time away from my children to be alone with my wife. She on the other hand makes a big deal about making time away from the kids to be alone. My feeling is that once you decide to be a parent you accept that role and know that it is 24/7/365. No different than me being a husband is 24/7/365. So for me as long as we are doing things as a family I am good. She feels like there is something missing because we don't do things separate from the kids. I don't tell he I need a designated guys night to hang out with my single friends and do single guy things. Why should parents get designated time away from their kids to act like they don't have kids?? Don't get me wrong, I am all for making the best of those times that present themselves without the kids, like when they are with their Grandparents. I just don't feel like we have to make those times happen. I could be seeing this completely wrong and I know there are people like my wife who feel differently than me. What are your thoughts??