Another false alarm


Y’all. This is getting ridiculous. At my last doctors appt (on Tuesday) i was at a 1, 70% effaced and stationed at a -3. I’ve had contractions ALL.WEEK.LONG. Yesterday, i had them ALL.DAY.LONG. From 8am-midnight lasting 2-5 minutes apart, for at least 1.5 minutes before i FINALLY broke down and went to the hospital. I had the worlds most uncomfortable and painful (brought me to tears-literally) cervical check, only for him to tell me I’m at a 2, 80% and -1. GAWWWWWWWD. That was the entire reason i put off going for so long. Didn’t want another false alarm. He let me “labor” for 3 hours, i walked around the maternity ward for 2 of those hours and then stayed in a very uncomfortable squatting position for the 3rd hour... nothing. No changes . 🤬🤬🤬 The on call doc was a total and complete asshole... no emotion what so ever, never smiled, was just a jerk, zero sympathy, told me i wasn’t in enough pain and to come back when i couldn’t possibly stand the pain any longer ...umm how the fuck do you know how much pain I’m in? Ass hat. No uterus, no opinion. Prick. So. Needless to say, they told me to go home take some Tylenol for the pain and Benadryl to help me sleep. I’ve been up having excruciating contractions all night but i refuse to go back until i “cannot possibly stand the pain” anymore. Im so frustrated.