My little girl is finally here


At 40w 3d on the 5/3/19 I went to the hospital for a check up! They offered me a sweep and I took it (wasn't the most pleasant experience). But it worked that afternoon through everning I lost my mucus plug and at 8pm my waters started to break. It was nothing like I expected it to be! Every time I moved another trickle gushed out but only very slight contractions happened. Got to the hospital and they told me the contractions where so slight that they didn't register on the monitor but were admitting me anyway as I had lost the majority of my waters. They sent me to the ward to wait for contractions to start but nothing happened on Thursday morning the sent me down to be induced.

At this point I was being given antibiotics as the water had been gone so long.

Needless to say it was the longest day of my life waiting for my little girl to arrive. By the time I was ready to push I had had 9 rounds of antibiotics 3 epidurals (2 of which had failed) a nerve blocker (also failed) blood pressure tablets as my blood preasure had sky rocketed and fluids because I was dehydrated. I can bearly remember the day before the 3rd epidural took effect. Through all this I was bearly dilated. A consultant came in in the early everning and said to me if I didn't dilate in 2 hours he was taking me for a section. But we got there I had made progress but baby was to content they told me and didn't want to move. At about 11pm I was ready to push. I pushed for nearly 2 hours when they told me they were going to use the kiwi to help her out!

My beautiful daughter was born at 1:06am on the 8th of March 2019 with 6 medical professionals delivering her. I'm so sorry it is such a long story but I felt like I needed to share here is my amazing little girl

Brooke Willow