I thought my water broke

Thought it was leaking around 2am, didn’t think anything.. went to sleep and had the worst sleep ever, couldn’t move, back was aching all night.. so when I woke up I went walking around the neighborhood and my back was just so sore that my mom pushed me to go to L&D to get checked. So, we got here at 9pm, 2cm dilated, no contractions, no broken waters. They had to run some test which took about an hour so around 10pm they checked again and I was now at 4cm dilated, no contractions. So this next hour we draw some blood and keep track of baby and I’m checked at 11pm and I’m still at 4cm. They say they’re concerned about some things so we run some more test and they say if the test are normal and I’m still at 4cm I’ll get to go home. (And I lowkey want to go home because I’m STARVING lol).. well, 12am they say tests are normal and they just wanna check if I dilated anymore before letting me go.. they check and I’m at 5+cm dilated, no contractions, no water breakage. 😩😩 so now we’re waiting to see what the doctor wants to do.. 😩🤞🏻

Update : 210am and they’ve admitted me and if baby doesn’t come by 4am they’ll start pitocin 🥰
