Should reality shows be responsible for stars mental health? Possible trigger warning


Should reality shows be responsible for the contestants mental health after the show ends?

Recently in the U.K., 26 year old Mike Thalassitis sadly took his own life after struggling with debts run up due to his ‘party’ life style and the recent death of his grandmother. Another reality star from the same show also took her life six months ago.

Both were stars of show a called ‘Love Island’ where ordinary people sign up to go and live in a luxury villa and form ‘couples’, fighting off other couples to win the series. Most of the stars, even if they don’t win, go on to have lucrative advertising/TV/social media deals.

There has been a backlash in the news/media, blaming the shows themselves for not offering support to the stars and helping them with their new found fame. One previous contestant who got into debt blamed the show for not offering her financial advice/support.

Is it the fault of the TV shows? Should they be offering support for contestants or is it not their responsibility? People usually go on these shows most of time wanting the fame/money so is it their own fault if they get into difficulties afterwards?