She’s here!


Monday the 11th I went to work feeling just off... by lunch my co workers was asking me if I was okay. I went back and told my boss and she started freaking out lol one of our nurses was a previous labor and delivery nurse she came back and put her hands on my back and stomach and said “your having contractions”

So we went to the doctor and they wasn’t close enough and I was dilated to 2 and it wasn’t enough to admit so he told me to go walk and I could possibly have her that night

I went home called my mom said I wanted Mexican and we needed to walk so I had a bowl of ice cream first then a big plate of Mexican, walked for 2 hours in Walmart, took a warm bath then we had sex... still felt like nothing was happening so I gave up. As soon as my head hit my pillow to sleep contractions started and hit hard and close. Off to the hospital we went!

I was dilated to 4 and having contractions 4 mins apart. They admitted me! Started meds at 5 epidural at 5:30... started pushing at 11 and at 11:17 I had the most beautiful baby girl laid in my arms! 6lbs 9oz and 19 in long!

She had to stay in the nicu for 4 hours because of breathing but she only had an issue for an hour and then she was fine! We are completely in love and so thankful for our rainbow baby!