Confused and needing help

Okay, I need some advice. I do not have regular periods at all which means I have no clue when I’ll ovulate. So, I started having some light spotting that only contained of brown blood and I hardly thought anything of it until I noticed I haven’t started my period. I took a test and it came up vvvvvfl to where you could hardly see it.

So, I went to the doctor to get some answers and she did an ultrasound checking around to see if she seen anything. Supposedly she found a gestational sac as she called it and said it looked to be about 3 weeks along. I was in shock! My husband and I have been trying for about 7 months now and maybe this could be it. Well, I went to have blood work done and it’s been 4 days without any call back or anything. I’m patiently waiting. After my blood work I went home and used the bathroom and something weird came out that looked like thick mucus I freaked out and automatically thought maybe I’m really not pregnant or maybe I’m about to loose this baby.

I’m just trying to figure out if this is normal or maybe it’s something else. Just seeking advice and trying to see what y’all think.