What’s the possibility of me being pregnant?

This was written March 11th—->

Ok so my last period was the 13th February, I suffer bad with period cramps and this time around I was shocked on how light the cramps actually were!! Anyway everything was normal. Me and my partner have been having unprotected sex for the past 3 months, I’ve been off the pill for about 10months now. We had sex every day of my fertile window other then my ovulation day. 2 days after my predicted ovulation day I had 7 days of brown stringy discharge, just a little stain on my underwear not enough for a pad. I was worried as I didn’t know what it was?! People was saying you could be pregnant but for some reason I just don’t believe them! I don’t know if it’s cause I want a baby so bad and I never believe it! I am 6 days away from AF. The blood stopped 2 days ago and I’ve now started feeling very nauseous at night time, my Cm all today has been white stringy and all day have had a horrible headache!

Just want some advice please ladies.

UPDATE from today!!! I am now 4 days late from my period?!?! I am going to do a test tomorrow...