Sadly joining the group...

Mia • M O M M Y 💕

Hey y’all! My name is Mia. I am 23 weeks pregnant with my first child and it’s a BOY!

3 weeks ago I found out my son only has 2 vessels in his cord (should have 3)

At this point, my son could come out perfectly fine. But it’s really the part of not knowing. Last appointment I was told it looked like he was fine and it was a very common thing.. well today they said I would be going to a specialist this week to check my baby from now until he’s born. He also said because of the risk of him having something happen in the next 17 weeks I will now be high risk. And my chance of having him sooner than expected is higher now. (Like 7 months)

My heart sunk.

I am overwhelmed and I’m mad at myself. I know this couldn’t have been prevented but I really don’t want him to come out with anything wrong. I will never forgive myself.

I’m don’t venting now! Thanks for reading!