
So I might sound pity af and stupid but my older sister always tries to tell me, I still have so much longer in my pregnancy to go. Even when I'm 30 weeks, almost 31! I have to kids who both came at 37 weeks and I have cervical issues so doctors told me there is a good chance I'll have this one around same time if not a week sooner!!!, she has 4 kids and wasn't trying for her 4th tell me and my husband announced we were actively trying for our last, then 2 weeks later she is pregnant, gushing about it, her whole damn pregnancy she acted as if she had never been pregnant before, and like she couldn't do anything. She got on my nerves because we were the ones trying to get pregnant and she didn't want anymore kids and then took the whole fun out of it for us, but then I got pregnant about 3 months later but ended in a miscarriage. I was devastated but she only seemed to care about herself and her pregnancy and keep gushing over it on fb and to us. Then I got pregnant a week after my miscarriage and ever since, she just makes it seem like I'm not pregnant, almost like she is jealous she isn't anymore. She will comment on my fb pregnancy pictures and say (oh wow ur small), or damn u got soooooo much more time to go, and blah blah blah, even when I say I'm in pain or I think my daughter is head down already she will comment with (no way! Ur not even far along) like really??? Bitch I'm 30 weeks!!!! What is freaking considered far along enough for her ass! Just makes me mad cuz it's like pity little jabbs at me. I feel. She has always thinks she is better then me and makes it known. I just wish shit like this didn't bother me. Sorry. ..vent is over. Lol