IUI after 2 miscarriages

Sidra • 👼🏼 9-18-17 ❤️ 👼11-17-18 🙏🏽 Praying for our 🌈👶🏼❤️

I had a miscarriage at 10 weeks in 2017 and another at almost 6 weeks in 2018. Before the first miscarriage it had taken us just over a year to get pregnant after 2 rounds of the depo shot. It was another 14months in between the miscarriages. My OB GYN for the second miscarriage was very proactive and offered to have basic testing done on my husband and I since I've allready had 2 successful pregnancies (I have 2 boys ages 13 and 14). We did TONS of test! I felt like I was always giving blood work and always in for another ultrasound. The good but frustrating news is all tests came back with great results. We have no issues. Not one. My husbands sperm is even double than what they consider normal and my reproduction system looks great.....so what the helllllll!!!!! LOL while I am grateful that we have no issues, it just makes it that much more frustrating not being able to conceive/miscarrying. But my FE said this is a much better place to be in and we have 2 options...<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> and <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>.

My husband and I decided <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> would be the best bet. 5 days of clomid, trigger shot, implantation, and progesterone suppositories right after the procedure. Right now I'm on baby asprin and prenatal. Hoping this will be successful. I will put updates and information on this post since I know a lot of ladies go through this and have questions!! Luck and baby dust to everyone!!!🍍💗🍍💗

Update #1: my baseline ultrasound looked great and AF came right on time. Sticking with my baby asprin and prenatal as well as vitamin B and E. Started drinking RRLT which actually really helped with period cramps. Will start my clomid on cd5.

Update #2: I finished my 5 days of 100mgs of clomid daily. Man it made me super super dizzy, nauseous and headaches. I was a lil emotional. And i got crazy hot flashes. Tomorrow we go in for our first ultrasound!! I also drank pomegranate juice daily to help with my uterine lining.

Update #3: I had my follicle scan Thursday. My lining looked nice and healthy and I had 3 follicles...15.5, 16.4, and 17.5mm. I will do my trigger shot Saturday and my <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> on Monday morning. There was a fourth follicle that was 15mm on the same side as the 17.5mm and the doc said she wouldn't roll that one out yet as well.

Update #4: OMG I just did my trigger shot and that was so nerve racking!!!!! It took me a minute to do it, but then I was just like do it allready!!! And I didnt feel a thing!! LOL we had a celebratory drink and cheersed to Baby Perez and fertility....🥂here's to healthy lil pineapple🍍!!

Update #5: So we had our <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> on Monday. I feel like it was timed super well with the trigger shot. My at home ovulation tests surged that morning. My husbands sperm count after the wash was 30 million. Lol funniest thing was when the nurse told me to hold his spermies in between my boobs while we drove back to my doctors office!! Lol that gave us a good laugh. I was so nervous about moving the wrong way and spilling them. Everything went well for the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> I barely felt it, just a very small cramp. And I could tell I ovulated that evening because I had some light cramping on my sides. I've heard that people cramp really bad when they ovulate while on clomid but I would say I could feel mine more than I usually do but nothing crazy. I started my progesterone the next morning. So far no side effects from that but I heard it takes a lil while to get symptoms from that. So far I feel like this process has been pretty easy , my side effects were all very mild. Which of course has me worried lol I feel like I should feel more. But now we are on th fqo week wait! Keeping my fingers crossed and eating my pineapple core until 5dpo! Baby dust!!🤱🍍💖💖🍍

Update #6: progesterone is a bitch!! Nausea, sleepiness, breast pain, food aversions, and bad breath!! Out if everything I have been more tired!!! Its so weird having pregnancy symptoms during the whole TWW. I take the suppositories 2x a day.💖🍍

Update #7: It worked!!! Omg omg omg it worked! Heading to the doc for confirmation tomorrow!! BFP 13DPIUI/11DPO!!! 💖🍍💖🍍