Am I a bad mom💔😢

Alyssa • • 💖Mommy To Alína •

See pediatrician told me when my daughter was born(7lb/9 ounces) that if she was still hungry feed her and as a first time mom I knew which of her cry's meant either wet diaper, gassiness, hungry, or burped etc. So now she's 7 Months old and is 21 pounds 3 pounds over the usual and I had a wic appointment for her check up and now every time I went I felt judged or given the impression that I was a bad mom💔 and every time I took her to doctor appointment I could see that she was a lil heavier than other babies and I asked her Pediatrician and she always assured me that my baby girl is healthy and will loose the weight once she starts crawling and walking...I know this group chat is for young mom's but I just wanted to know if any mom's out there have their babies out there feeding over the usual? I'm just so heartbroken that they made me seem like a bad mother and said I have to take my little girl to see a dietitian....My husband said his side of the family all as babies where big but tells me I'm not a bad mom at all which made me feel a little better...but I still feel sad I Love My Daughter so much and she's still so beautiful to me and to my husband, please any of you mom's out there who went through this lmk your story and how you deal with this guilt trip....

With her dad on a windy day she loved it so much💕

She's always a happy baby and such a good baby💕 only cries when she needs something (diaper change etc.)