World Down Syndrome Day


March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day! If you’re lucky and up to it, you may find events in your area that celebrate the lives and accomplishments of those with Ds.

Each year I “rock my socks” to support Down syndrome awareness. My friends, family, coworkers, and I wear our most unique socks. When people ask why we’re wearing them, we share that it’s World Down Syndrome Day and share a bit about our loved ones with Ds. The socks have many representations, but I like the idea that no matter how my socks look they are still socks. They keep my feet warm and dry, and I love my socks. I feel the same about my son with Down syndrome. He may look different than his classmates or peers, but he is still an amazing kid. He has hopes, dreams, favorite foods, and fights with his brother just like most other kids.

On the first 3/21 after having my son, I was not up to celebrating so openly. Wearing the socks helped me celebrate how great my guy was without making a huge deal about it. Today I get everyone involved, and it makes my son feel incredibly special when we share photos of everyone rocking their socks just for him and his friends.