
Kristin • 34 yr old wifey 💑 of 7 years, mommy to two girls 2 and 5 👭, early miscarriage in August 2017 👼🏻, miscarriage at 11 weeks in December 2017 👼🏻, trying 4 our 🌈 baby

So this morning I swear I saw something super faint.. 13 dpiui and 15dpt. It always takes me awhile to get a BFP with prior pregnancies - But I’ve had this “faint” happen before and it was just an indent. But the two days and tests before these at 11 and 12dpiui didn’t have an indent from the same box! Ugh I have my beta tomorrow and I’m just assuming the worst and a BFN 😩😡

Update: it was an indent! Negative blood test! I knew it! Frers are the worst! 😡