pregnant at 14

I took a test today and found out I’m pregnant. It’s not my boyfriends... I’ve only had sex with a junior (he’s 17) and we only had sex once. I don’t know how to tell my boyfriend, parents, or the dad. help?!?

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Posted at
You’re just gonna have to tell them or else your belly will soon enough.


Posted at
You 100% have to inform them. My parents are my biggest supporters. I am so happy to have parents like them. I'm currently 18 weeks and dont know where I'd be without my parents backing me up though this pregnancy


Posted at
Calm yourself before you get into that, the baby will be there in a couple days or a week. The sooner you go to the doctor, the better. But I also believe you shouldn’t stress yourself so hard. Take a minute to gather your thoughts and I’m sure everything will be fine!


Posted at
First things first. Sit down with you're parents and talk to them. I got pregnant at 16. My mom was furious as can be and didn't talk to me for awhile. Eventually we talked and agreed on keeping the baby and she was a huge life saver for me.


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Did you tell your parents yet?