What is wrong with me????

Okay so here’s the deal, I’m normally PRETTY regular on my periods. I was pregnant in May but ended up miscarrying at 8 weeks. I know what pregnant feels like. I’ve been having periods since I was 13, so I know what pms and periods feel like. I was supposed to get my period last week all I had was a couple cramps and ive been extra hungry but that was it. I didn’t feel PMS, I don’t feel pregnant. I’m super late on my period and this has never happened. I took tests and they’re all negative. I don’t know what else this could be?? I haven’t really been stressed, I’m not hyping myself up about wanting to be pregnant cause it’s really not something I want cause my husband and I are getting divorced (good thing) but we did have a few nights where we had drunken sex and I’m not on BC and we didn’t use a condom. But we were trying for a year before and never got pregnant. So I really don’t know what’s going on.. anyone had this happen and can help me out??