Is it just me?

Long story short; baby was diagnosed with a heart condition at 17 weeks. Since then it's been countless medications and scans and blood tests etc. On top of this I have anemia which has not been able to be fixed with dietary or medication changes. Now I'm not saying I'm not forever grateful for all of the professional care I've been given however.. I've felt somewhat stolen of a good pregnancy gender reveal(as that's the furthest priority..understandably). No energy in the second trimester. Off from work from being sick from the meds, no baby shower as I'm having an early c-section and been admitted to the hospital as of 31 weeks and will be in here for 4 weeks under observation.

I have taken a very pragmatic approach to all of this and believe me, I do understand that these things genuinely happen to the best of blame ascribed. However I do have the occasional emotional what feels like an irrational struggle of feeling like potentially small good experiences that come with the joys of creating a life with the once you love has been somewhat 'robbed'.

Anyone else feeling like this?